An image depicting a grid of designed racing posters with one poster being highlighted and lifted out of the grid.

About the iRacing Official Series Schedules Project

I’m Scott.
I’m passionate about sim racing.
I love designing for humans.

Every three months, the online racing service iRacing releases schedules for the official series. These schedules are distributed as a bundled collection of Word docs smashed into a PDF. While they are functional, they are not pretty and the design is…lacking.

The layout for each series has been updated, with the goal of making beautiful and easy-to-read schedule posters. Most schedules include twelve official weeks, with the track or car (or both) changing every seven days. Important details about the cars, session date, session time, weather, and splits are included.

Stylied image showing the typographic grid used to during layout for each poster.

The starting grid

Improving the visual rhythm of the schedules involves typesetting on a grid. By aligning the text to an underlying grid, the spacing and cadence feel harmonious.

An image showing a stylized version of the typeface Outfit.

The perfect outfit

The official schedule posters are set in Outfit, a beautiful typeface with loads of flexibility. Monospace numerals help keep numbers aligned and tidy.

An image showing an unformatted schedule and the poster made using the schedule data.

The upgrade package

All the information from the official schedules has been retained. The text in each poster is searchable, so you can quickly find a track or car.

I’m an iRacing enthusiast, motorsports fan and lover of well-designed information.

If you are finding these schedules useful, consider helping me out with a small donation.